The most valuable opportunity in 2019

By admin 5 years agoNo Comments

By Tomomi Tomlin.

On the chilly morning of 28 November 2019, I was contemplating on what to expect at Women in Data event that I was about to attend.

When I walked into the InterContinental London – The O2, I was amazed to see a large number of data professional females in one place. It was the first time for me to attend the event and I was delighted to see so many women who share the same interests and passion – data. I didn’t imagine this when I started my career in IT and data many years ago!

The day was filled with inspiring and motivational talks, practical workshops to develop both technical and soft skills, and opportunities to network with many female data professionals. Key takeaways from the event for me were:

  • Importance of diversity in data profession for ethical data conduct and reducing AI/ML bias
  • Shared career journeys, advices and tools to overcome career progression challenges for women
  • Initiatives at the government and corporate level to increase female in STEM profession
  • Networking with other female data professionals

I was especially inspired by Dame Stephanie ‘Steve’ Shirley CH’s talk and she motivated me to keep exploring ways to break inhabitation and barriers. After listening her talk and attending the Women in Data event, I became hopeful that our collective efforts will increase the diversity in data profession and attract more females in STEM profession.

I also had great opportunities to network with other women in data who experienced similar progression challenges and they gave me valuable advices. It made me feel that I am not alone, so thank you!

At the end of event, I thought I must share this valuable opportunity with my female colleagues in my company. So I hope to do so at the next Women in Data event!


  Women in Data
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