First time woman in data

By admin 5 years agoNo Comments

By Frankie Benson.

I went to my first Women in Data event on 28th November. Not knowing what to expect, I turned up eager to meet new people and learn new skills. As soon as I walked in, it hit me with what an incredible and impressive event it really was.

As someone who has just started their career as a data scientist, it felt like a true honour even just to attend. The day kicked off with some powerful speeches from the co-founders Roisin and Rachel, it made me realise what a special thing I was now a part of, I was surrounded by talented, inspiring women all there to celebrate each other. Also, moving to London by yourself as a 21-year-old can be quite daunting so to know that I’m now part of the Women in Data community is amazing.

Throughout the day there were many brilliant speakers discussing lots of important topics, but the talk that resonated with me the most was from Senior Customer Analytics Manager, Elizabeth Harris. She bravely told her own story of the struggles she went through in her job, but actually she found out that she just wasn’t utilising her strengths in the right way and once she had figured out what they really were, she was thriving. I found this very inspiring to hear since I believe I’m yet to truly understand what my own strengths are and that makes me very excited for the future.

As I was sitting, listening to the speakers on the Empowerment stage, I reminded myself that only a month ago I was at home, just graduated from university and struggling to find a job, and I’m now here in this room along with thousands of outstanding talents. It was a treasured moment to remember that a lot can happen in a small amount of time, so I can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring, and I can’t wait for the next Women in Data event!

  Women in Data
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