Women in Data statement of support

By admin 4 years agoNo Comments

As part of our community, we want to let you know that we value you, and that our thoughts at Women in Data go out to you, and all those affected by COVID-19: if there is ever a time to come together, it is now.

In light of this pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation are prudent and necessary measures to prevent the spread of this virus to vulnerable populations, and to limit its impact on our already strained National Health Service. We also recognise that this has resulted in anxiety, stress, loneliness and uncertainty around employment.

Our community needs more than a few reassuring words and platitudes; as such, we have come up with a few tangible ways in which we can help alleviate some of this stress.

CV Advice

If you are on the brink of losing your job, or already unemployed, due to COVID-19, Women in Data is here to offer a listening ear and support. Should you need advice on your CV, please do not hesitate to contact Roisin McCarthy (RMcCarthy@datatech.org.uk).

Meet-ups and connections

Physical gatherings are cancelled in the immediate future, but Women in Data will be exploring options such as virtual meet-ups. This way we can logon and interact with one another in real time, from the comfort and safety of our own homes.

We will keep updating our social media channels so follow us here to keep abreast of Women in Data developments and to connect with your fellow data practitioners:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-in-data-uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenindatauk/

Twitter: @WomenInDataUK

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/women.in.data/?hl=en

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/womenindatauk


We will be posting news, resources, blog posts and articles more regularly on womenindata.co.uk. Come join our discussions and let us know what is on your mind.

Now, over to you. Do you have any ideas for virtual events and community building? Are you self-isolating and want to share your story? Would you like to contribute to the Women in Data blog? Send your thoughts to Lydia.chong@datatech.org.uk.


Team Women in Data

  Women in Data
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