Women in Data ®


Last Amended 25/06/2024

Version 4

Women in Data®, is committed in tracking Slavery and Human Trafficking and we take full responsibility for ensuring that our culture and working practices comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This Policy Statement reflects the commitment of our organisation to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implement and enforce effective control systems to prevent Slavery and Human Trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our Company or supply chain.

– Conduct regular planned, formal risk based audits of our business

– Implement effective control systems to ensure that we do not support or deal with any business or individual knowingly involved in Slavery or Human Trafficking.

– Operate formal systems and recruitment practices in compliance with The Modern Slavery Act 2015, and relevant employment legislation.

– Carry out formal training and re-training all our staff in legislative and system compliance, awareness and understanding.

– Clear effective reporting mechanisms to enable the alerting to concerns related to possible or suspected Slavery or Human Trafficking activities.

The responsibility for the adoption of our Zero Tolerance approach and the prevention of modern slavery within our Company rests with our senior management.

This Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy will be formally reviewed by our Company’s senior management team as an integral part of our quality Management Review process.

Contact – David Laws – Legal Advisor – david.laws@womenindata.co.uk – 01256 314660