At Knight Frank, the Data Office is at the forefront of the company’s rapidly evolving data culture. We are a growing team with a global footprint, managing multiple facets of Knight Frank’s relationship with data from our CRM to external data sources. Alongside the Data Office, data teams are embedded in the core teams leading in real estate consultancy and building client relationships throughout the UK. Our day-to-day work allows us to face multiple and varied data challenges, providing great opportunities to play an integral part in driving the business forward. As individuals, we are learning all the time.

Why we’ve partnered with Women in data…

Knight Frank has business balance at the top of its agenda. We want to recruit, retain and provide an inspiring career development path for our future female data leaders. Partnering with Women in Data, provides another platform to ensure that women at Knight Frank are supported and championed in their chosen data careers.


Brigitte Schweitzer Headshot
Brigitte Schweitzer
Business Analyst
Ruth Wetters headshot
Ruth Wetters
Data Scientist
Jodie Anka-Lufford Headshot
Jodie Anka-Lufford
Data Automation Analyst
Jessica Tsang Headshot
Jessica Tsang
Associate, London Data Partner
Chenna Sweek Headshot
Chenna Sweek
Associate, Data Product Manager
Nikita Vedak Headshot
Nikita Vedak
Assistant Manager – Data Office

The journey so far at knight frank and beyond…

Our journey to date can only be described as stratospheric! From a handful of people, not specifically recognised as working in data, to an expanding team that has a Data Office defining the strategy and is impacting and adding value in every area of our business. Data is certainly positioned as one of the core pillars in facilitating the Global Strategy of Knight Frank over the next 5 years. We have some truly inspirational projects in play and some transformational plans to be able to manage this data journey that is underway.

How Knight Frank see the data landscape changing in the UK in the next 5 years

The next 5 years…in one word, Exciting! From engagement with PropTech to fully understanding how we can embrace and deploy things like AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing; and combine it with some brilliant data people in an environment that is scalable and, most importantly, secure.


There are lots of different opportunities for a career in data; it is as essential in Formula 1 as it is in healthcare. Whatever suits you – whether its solving puzzles, designing & building, advising & leading, the importance and breadth of data’s influence are such that there will be a position for you.

so, where do you start?

Getting into it at first may be daunting, but we all started somewhere – and there is more than one right answer.

When thinking about how our data journeys began, we all started by asking questions and looking for more information. Perhaps this means talking to someone you know in a data role, attending data bootcamps or listening to data podcasts – all these options can give you a good flavour of the opportunities available.

Then when it comes to honing your skills, the internet is overrun with access to free datasets you can use, and there is an abundance of free or paid learning materials is available. Any data path you go decide to go down will help you upskill on any other data path, so jump in and see what interests you!

It isn’t always about data

We aren’t just thinking about data 24/7! We are also aspiring chefs, polyglots, and zen seekers. Surprisingly, we are evenly divided when it comes to wanting pineapple on pizza, but most of us are morning people who prefer tea over coffee.

Gender matters

In 2021, as part of our Gender Matters initiative at Knight Frank, we had the greatest pleasure in hosting Dame Stephanie Shirley. A powerful, compelling and deeply moving personal story, combined with lessons in the Boardroom – and all topical and relevant today.

about Knight Frank

“Knight Frank is a partnership defined by our people and the spirit of possibility”

Knight Frank LLP is the leading, global property consultancy. Headquartered in London, Knight Frank has more than 16,000 people, operating from 384 offices in 51 territories.

Last year, for Knight Frank’s 125th anniversary, we took the opportunity to come together as a global community, united by our common values and a passion and commitment to ensure our business is inclusive and diverse; give every individual the space and opportunity to perform at their best and be recognised for the immense value they bring.

It’s a great place to work and we believe that this approach to our employees and values, ensures the best outcomes and experience for our clients.  

A bit about me?

My spare time is filled with reading books and transporting myself into new worlds. Which also drives my love for travelling and exploring different cultures and cuisines, so far I have travelled to 4 out of the 7 continents and have plans to complete them all.

Why did I join Knight Frank?

I joined Knight Frank because though on the outside it looks like a property company, there is so much more to it than that. As a Business Analyst, I have the opportunity of working within our CRM system where we use the data to help drive improvements within the business.

What would your message to other women is the industry?

A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.

A bit about me

I am a proud London apologist. I know lots of facts about the Tube. The best things about the capital in my opinion are the food and the people.

My current pet projects are growing chillies and learning how to do weight training. I’ve been doting on the plants and now I have way too many chillies.  Also, I’m volunteering at some music festivals over the summer with Oxfam, which I’d recommend – a free ticket and staff showers.

Why did I join Knight Frank?

I joined Knight Frank because I think the built environment is an interesting lens through which to do analytical work. I pivoted into data science from a degree in Chinese, so I’ve been lucky enough to sample a few different paths before coming here, and I enjoy the combination of technical skills and creative thinking. The expertise in our team is suited to tackling problems related to the climate emergency, and I love projects with a focus on ESG.

What would be your message to other women in the industry?

I love working with other women – there’s a big difference between being the only woman in the room and being one of two. Trust your instincts and yourself. Don’t accept less than you’re worth. I’ve had good experiences with networks for women – lots of us will make extra time to help other women in the industry if we can.

A bit about me

My spare time is filled with fun and diverse activities that help me relax after a hectic work week. I love listening to music, being creative when I can through different forms of art, hanging out with friends and family, and curling up on the couch with a good movie and popcorn. I also enjoy travelling whenever I can afford the time and money, and I have a bucket list of countries that I want to visit someday. Only 20 more to go!

I don’t have any hidden talents like singing or playing an instrument, but I like to think that I have many potential talents that are waiting to be discovered. Maybe one day, I’ll surprise myself and everyone else with something amazing!

Why did I join Knight Frank?

I joined Knight Frank because I wanted to explore a new and fascinating industry. I have always been passionate about property and could watch property shows for hours. But more than that, I love working with data and finding insights that can make a difference. As a Data Automation Analyst at Knight Frank, I have the opportunity to use my data skills in various ways and grow professionally in a supportive environment.

What would be your message to other women in the industry?

My message to other women in data is to be curious and adventurous! Don’t limit yourself to what you already know or do in the data industry. There are so many new data tools and techniques that are constantly emerging and evolving. Learning about them can help you work smarter and more effectively with data and also open up new possibilities for your career. You have the potential to discover and create amazing things with data so don’t be afraid to explore and experiment!

A bit about me

I studied Mathematics at university, so I have always been inclined towards numbers. There, I discovered that sometimes the limit really does not exist and that everyone expects you to be the human calculator in the room (but please do not ask that of me; I was not that kind of mathematician). Growing up in a small seaside town shaped who I am today. I love seafood and, to an extent, cooking. Being near a body of water energises me, and I have developed a keen sense of wanderlust so you will often find me by the pool on holiday!

Why Knight Frank

I fell into real estate unintentionally. It is an industry on its own data journey – it will not be advanced compared to Technology or Financial companies, but we have a unique opportunity to influence where people live, work and play. At Knight Frank I get to work with colleagues who are passionate about the industry and help find ways to utilise datasets to achieve our aims and objectives.

What would be your message to other women in the industry?

Be curious. My data skills were self-taught and, without having curiosity, I wouldn’t have found that I could do what I do now.

A bit about me
I love eating out with friends or losing myself in the magic of films and reading. When feeling creative, I’ll pick up a paintbrush or pencil and enjoy any chance to add colour to my professional work.

I must have been a magpie in a past life and irresistibly drawn to anything shiny and decorative, ranging from browsing vintage fairs, the fun of dressing up at festivals, and exploring the beautiful artefacts at the conveniently located Wallace Collection near my workplace.

Why Knight Frank?

My real estate data journey began at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, where I answered surveyors’ enquiries, spanning data to case law. I enjoyed meeting with peers from other property consultancies on a recent visit. We were lucky to get some great photos of Big Ben from the sunny rooftop terrace.

My career at Knight Frank has provided varied, engaging challenges and opportunities for personal growth. I’ve found it incredibly satisfying to answer business and property enquiries from across the business. Recently, my role has evolved to liaising with the teams about data product subscriptions and ensuring they can access the best data resources to add value to their work.

Collaborating with our diverse and brilliant teams is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job.

Reflecting on work for this piece, I’m grateful for the excellent support from our senior management and colleagues, especially as part of our talented Data and Digital team.

A supportive framework enables us to thrive and enjoy work and gives us the confidence to challenge ourselves further.

What would be your message to other women in the industry?

It’s a simple message to be kind and support each other.

Since I read ‘The Water Babies’ by Charles Kingsley, the phrase “Do as you would be done by” has stayed with me since childhood.

By offering collaborative encouragement for women within data roles, we can create a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to pursue their goals.

A bit about me:

I work as an Assistant Manager with Knight Frank and have been with this organisation for more than 6 years now. I enjoy reading, music, debating and conversations. I also have a knack for networking and love meeting people which helps me broaden my knowledge and understand different perspectives. The words that describe me are strong-headed, patient, passionate, talkative, an active listener and observer. I call myself a transitioned extrovert with a penchant for numbers and minute details.

Why did I join Knight Frank?

Knight Frank came to me through a friend (I was not aware of the company at that time) but heard a lot from him, I was intrigued of why he regarded this organisation so highly and I know now why he did. Little did I know that Knight Frank would offer me this career path that I so love and choose to keep working on. I came from a real estate and data background which helped me further my growth here. I always say that I landed in Data and in Knight Frank. This organisation is a catalyst to my journey of real estate since I find this profession fulfilling and have a decade-long experience in data.

What would be your message to other women in the industry?

Real estate and data are predominantly male oriented industries and having more women take up these challenging and unconventional roles just excites me. It is all about breaking boundaries and choosing what we want to do.