Claire Williams & Ella Ovenden

Summer 2030, imagine, women from across the world a driving force of fundamental change underpinned by data and AI. All connected, some via summer schools they met back in the day or because a role model that’s really had their back, or an influencer really inspired them, and others through helping, inspirational, hands that have reached out and brought them to the party too.

This is the mission of Girls in Data. To INSPIRE, DIFFERENTIATE (and eventually NORMALISE) a career in data as having “Rock Star” appeal to girls 5-18. Whether they’re dreaming of what they’d like to be when they grow up, ready to choose their career or just finding their passions.

These girls become the next generation of female leaders in their industry with a ready made network pulling others in with them.

BECAUSE – If we don’t act, the pipeline will diminish and we’ll get even further away from gender parity.  

Watch: Coffee Confidential – Meet the Girls in Data Chapter Leads

Claire Williams

Claire is an Associate Partner at IBM, a proud data geek, and a retail obsessive. She’s IBM UKI Garage Consulting Leader. She spends her time working with clients to unlock real, transformative value from their data with her teams and with a little help from analytics and AI. People are her passion, and her mission is to create projects that her teams relish working on. She is a Retail Industry specialist and is a member of the exclusive IBM Global Industry Academy. Diversity and Inclusion are hugely important to her DNA, at 14 she wanted to work in Business and IT and despite not having the role models to follow, wasn’t put off, but now her mission is to inspire and create as many opportunities for females to follow a career in data. She lives in the Peak District with her puppy, Dougal is a proud Aunty to her niece and nephew and has recently become a fitness convert! She is super proud to have recently been recognised as one of the Twenty in Data and Tech for 2020.

Ella Ovenden

Ella is 19 years old and a Degree Apprentice at IBM, where she is part of the UKI Garage Squad as part of the AI and Analytics Practice. Her role includes helping clients go from ‘good ideas’ to business outcomes using the IBM Garage operating model as well as learning everything she can about the Data world and helping implement these solutions with clients. Ella left school in 2020 post A Levels and wasn’t sure at all what she wanted to do but wasn’t sure about University so decided to apply and got a place on the Futures Scheme for a 12 month placement. Originally all she knew was that she wanted to do something that robots/technology couldn’t replace thus knew it had to be creating and building it! Ella’s role last year was supporting the Data and Technology Transformation service line in IBM which was where her love for data began. She never thought leaving school that she would be any good at this area within business because Ella hated coding (still does!!) and thought that really was all it was but she couldn’t have been more wrong. Ella has a passion for helping other people especially girls learn this too and create more opportunities them to enter this world as she has and thrive because it’s for EVERYONE! Ella has just moved to London living with other Apprentice/Intern friends and outside of work is a swimming teacher which she also loves! You’ll always find her with a smile on her face whatever she is doing and is super excited to be a young WiD helping drive GiD.